Java Enterprise Platform for the Insurance, Healthcare and Financial Industries

Tomcat Hosting

High-powered enterprise application hosting for larger scale e-commerce, insurance and healthcare systems, scientific and financial applications or resellers with multiple websites.

Since 1997, Metawerx has hosted insurance, healthcare and financial systems for a range of clients, some of whom have been with us for over 10 years. We focus on your individual requirements and strive to excel in the areas you don't specialise in. Our mission is to create long-term relationships, helping you to achieve and helping us to grow.

Developer/Business | Enterprise Plans (Resellers, Scientific, Insurance, Healthcare and Financial Industries)

Feature Pro II Pro III Super VM Ultra VM Hyper VM
Expert Support Free support from real developers with Java experience since 1997
Benefit immediately from years of experience fixing Java and Tomcat deployment issues
Enterprise SLA 99.95% Guaranteed Uptime
Proven 100% availability over last 12 months
Tomcat Options
- JSP, WAR file support, Tomcat Manager
- No special API / Vendor lock-in
- Configure your own web-apps and servlets
- View or Tail logs online, or download locally
- Network access and File System access
- Unlimited apps and domains
- Metawerx Enterprise Charts
- Full Platform Control
- Secure Deployment
- Online Code Editor
- Complete Monitoring

Tomcat 3.3.2
Tomcat 4.1.40
Tomcat 5.0.30
Tomcat 5.5.36
Tomcat 6.0.53
Tomcat 7.0.109
Tomcat 8.0.53
Tomcat 8.5.66
Tomcat 9.0.46
Tomcat 10.0.6
TomEE Options
- All-Apache stack with Java EE 6 Web Profile certification built on top of Tomcat
- EAR, EJB support
- Light and fast, just like Tomcat but with EE
- Metawerx Enterprise Charts

TomEE 1.6.0 WebProfile
TomEE 1.6.0 JAX-RS
TomEE 1.6.0 Plus
TomEE 1.7.2 WebProfile
TomEE 1.7.2 JAX-RS
TomEE 1.7.2 Plus
TomEE 1.7.2 Plume
TomEE 7.1 WP
TomEE 7.1 Plus
Latest TomEE Dev Snapshot
GlassFish Options
- Secured admin panel
- Secure remote asadmin
- JMS on local IP

GlassFish Server 3.1.2
GlassFish Server 4.0.0
- Add more databases for $29.95/mth
- Dedicated database instances (no database limit) available on Pro II Plan and above, additional RAM $6/64mb, $30/512mb
- Includes 14 daily encrypted backups
- Encrypted off-site backups
4 databases
MySQL 5.5/5.6/5.7/8.0
MariaDB 5.5
MongoDB 2.4
CouchDB 1.5
PostGreSQL 9.1
PostGreSQL 9.5
or Dedicated Database Server (MySQL, MariaDB, PostGreSQL) using RAM from your hosting plan
8 databases
MySQL 5.5/5.6/5.7/8.0
MariaDB 5.5
MongoDB 2.4
CouchDB 1.5
PostGreSQL 9.1
PostGreSQL 9.5
or Dedicated Database Server (MySQL, MariaDB, PostGreSQL) using RAM from your hosting plan
Fully Managed Services
- Tomcat management
- Database management
- Log file management
- Operating System upgrades
- Java, Tomcat, Database upgrades
- Backup management
- Security management
Extreme Redundancy
- High-Availability Database and Java Clusters
Automatic Failover
- Immediate and automatic failover to another server in case of hardware failure
- Customised Maintenance Page during JVM restart
- Clustered Load-Balancing solutions
Complete Monitoring
- Tomcat, Java, hardware, security, excessive-CPU, disk, network, traffic, OutOfMemory, availability, automated restarts and alerting
Support for all Java Frameworks/Software
- Hibernate, Confluence, Quercus/PHP, JRuby, EJB, JSF, ColdFusion, JAI and more!
Secure Email
- We take your mail hosting seriously
Secure Backup
- 30 days of file backups with online-restore
- 14 days of database backups
- AES encrypted offsite backups
Feature Pro II Pro III Super VM Ultra VM Hyper VM
Setup costs Free setup - 30 days free
- First month free, three months free on extra sites (AUD prices ex. GST). 10% discount on annual payment.
$139.95 $179.95 $209.95 $299.95 $399.95
Java RAM
- Extra RAM $6 per 64MB, $30 per 512MB
- Move RAM between Heap/Perm/CC as needed
728MB 1264MB 2352MB 4400MB 8752MB
OS Cache (Buffer/System RAM)
- JVM Container-Level virtualisation
- Real servers with plenty of extra RAM
minimum 16GB
Java WebServer CPU Cores 4@3.0Ghz 6@3.0Ghz 8@3.0Ghz
Database Server CPU Cores / RAM
- Databases are hosted on a separate physical server for scalability and performance
- Database CPU cores are in addition to your Java VM CPU cores
8@3.00Ghz - Shared database with 16GB RAM
4@3.00Ghz - Private database with root access and RAM from your plan
Disk Space
- Extra space @ $0.20/gb/mth
- 14 x daily backups of your disk space
- 2 x AES encrypted offsite backups
25GB 30GB 40GB 70GB 100GB
External Bandwidth (Switch Ports)
- Upgrade to 1Gb/s for $240/mth
- Extra traffic @ $1/gb overflow
- Bulk plans available from $0.50/gb/mth
80GB 120GB 160GB 240GB 320GB

The above prices are subject to change without notice. We also reserve the right to refuse any application for any reason, or for no reason at all. Price changes do not affect existing customers, though existing customers are welcome to use any of the new pricing plans if they choose.

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