Additional pre-paid traffic can be purchased to avoid overusage fees.
3GB is more than enough for most web sites. If you are planning on a high-volume site however, please consider our larger plans. We offer some of the lowest traffic rates in Australia, which coupled with our high-powered servers, put us in a position to deal with even the most demanding of sites.
What is traffic? |
Most business web sites transfer 1GB-5GB of data per month.
A busy retail site, or a JVM hosting multiple websites (6-10) typically does around 5GB-12GB of data per month.
Monthly Traffic is the maximum monthly amount of data transfer your site can provide, without exceeding the limitations of the plan.
Most companies should never have to worry about traffic, as we provide a suitable amount of free transfers each month depending on your plan.
A flexible sliding scale comes into effect after the first 1GB of excess traffic, and dedicated servers are available for up to 300GB.
What is the difference between bandwidth and traffic? |
Bandwidth is the width of the pipe the data travels down.
Traffic on the other hand, is the amount of data you actually send and receive.
For example, if you have a 56kbps modem, your modem can transfer 56,000 bits (7kb) per second. The modem has a bandwidth of 56kbps.
Your office ADSL connection may allow 256Kbps-24Mbps of bandwidth, however your monthly traffic limitation may be 6GB.
Many hosting companies provide 1Mbps connections, or 10Mbps connections to the internet per server.
We are connected to our upstream provider by multiple 1Gbps links, which in turn has multiple fiber connections totaling over 4Tbps of internet connectivity (4000Gbps+).
Why does traffic cost money? |
Large telecommunications companies who own telecommunications networks pass the charges of maintenance on to their customers, in the same way that we do.
This is why international phone calls cost extra, or have per-minute costs, or why your home ADSL connection has a monthly traffic limit.
Unfortunately in Australia, traffic prices are quite high compared to other countries. However, our network speeds are typically higher too, with 1Gb links to our datacenters instead of the 1Mb or 10Mb links usually offered by overseas hosting providers (they might not mention that on their websites).
What is unlimited traffic? |
This saturates the connections and means most of your customers wait longer than they need to.
Slow connections can be especially noticeable at peak-times - imagine you just got Slashdotted, or have a media mention. When you most need the power and additional traffic - your site becomes unreachable. Not good for business, and not good for developers getting popular for their skills or articles. Our load-ratio policies and flexible scalability keep our customers and your customers satisfied.
Some hosts will also cut you off if your site becomes busy, stating "over-use of CPU cycles" and force you to upgrade before you can access your site again.
Therefore, while the plan may say "Unlimited Traffic", this is really limited by the connection speed, server speed and the provider's hidden "real limit".
How much traffic will I need? |
1000 visitors x 400KB = 400,000KB = 400MB / month
In this case, your site would need traffic of at least 400-500MB per month.
We provide a minimum of 3GB (3072MB) of transfers per month on our minimum plans, which is adequate for the following situations:
* Note: actual visits per month will be greater than the values above due to browser-caching, which avoid subsequent reloads
What happens if I need more? |
Overflow traffic is charged at a flat rate of $0.002/mb, or you can purchase additional pre-paid Traffic Packs.
Our Corporate Servers are geared towards higher-usage customers requiring 100-500 GB per month, and provide numerous other benefits. Enquiries welcome.